
Pukwana Ya Kganya


All of the information presented below is provided for information purposes only. Members of KBFT should read the Membership Terms and Conditions very carefully in order to understand the terms and conditions relating to the various benefits and services offered by KBFT to its members. In the event of uncertainty, please feel free to phone the Kganya Helpline 0800 000 538 or click on the Contact Me tab.

Please contact the Kganya HelpLine on 0800 000 538 should you require copies of the documentation relating to your Membership.


To be a member of KBFT you must: 

  • be a member of ZCC; 
  • be 18 (eighteen) years of age or older; 
  • purchase a Membership Book; and 
  • pay an initial Membership Contribution to KBFT evidenced by a receipt in your Payment Receipt Booklet. 

A member shall continue to be a Member for as long as such person remains a member of ZCC.

* Please click on the Document’s tab for a full copy of the amendments itself

A member must at all times pay a membership contribution each month to KBFT. Failure to do so may impact eligibility for benefits.

With effect 1 April 2025, the monthly membership contribution is R120 per member of KBFT.

The full membership contribution is payable every Month. If you cannot afford the full membership contribution, or only want some and not all of the benefits of membership to KBFT, then membership to the Trust is not suitable for you. This is so since membership to KBFT entitles you to the full package of Basic Benefits which cannot be separated, or selectively paid for.

From the membership contributions KBFT makes the following payments:

  • Premium to Sanlam for the Pukwana ya Kganya insurance contract: R70.85
  • Services Fee to KIA: R23.25
  • Donation to ZCC: R14.55
  • Retained by the Trust: R10.35
  • Retained by Church Branch: R1.00
    TOTAL: R120.00

In terms of the trust deed of KBFT, KBFT may review and amend the membership contributions. Every effort is made by the Trust to only increase the Membership Contributions every 2 years, which increase (if any) takes place with effect from 1 April.


As with Sedi la Kganya and Kganya Koloi, we will soon be ready to allow you to make electronic payments via USSD or via ZCM for your Pukwana ya Kganya policy as well.

Should you have any queries on this, you are welcome to speak to your Church Committee or you may contact the Kganya Call Center on 0800 000 538.

By paying a membership contribution and becoming a member of KBFT, such membership entitles you to certain Basic Benefits and Basic Ancillary Benefits.  The Basic Benefits cannot be selected separately, and form part of the package of membership benefits offered to you.

The Basic Benefits offered as part of Membership to KBFT, consist of the following: 

Firstly, access to the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, being an insurance contract underwritten by Sanlam as arranged by KBFT, which provides the following insurance benefits in terms of policies of insurance: 

• funeral benefits. 

• permanent disability benefits; 

• payment of benefits on the happening of a dread disease; and

• with effect from 1 April 2023, payment of basic needs benefits through grocery vouchers on the happening of your death, permanent disability or dread disease. 

In terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, and as a Member of KBFT, you are the policyholder entitled to the rights, obligations and insurance benefits in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract. 

Secondly, as long as you pay your membership contributions to KBFT, KBFT will pay the premiums in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract to Sanlam. However, if you fail to pay the Membership contributions to KBFT, KBFT will not pay the premiums to Sanlam and your insurance cover and benefits in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract may terminate, be suspended or be impacted. 

Lastly, your Membership also entitles you to Basic Ancillary Benefits which consist of the following non-insurance benefits and services procured by KBFT: 

• Roadside Assistance Benefits. 

• Leeto la Moria (Discounted Transport) Benefits; and 

• Funerary Management Benefits. 


  • As part of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, a member will also get a funeral policy underwritten by Sanlam.
  • The funeral policy provides funeral benefits for a member as policyholder or nominated children who pass away by accidental or natural causes.
  • There is a 3-month waiting period before death by natural causes is covered.
  • Funeral Benefits make sure that the member as policyholder and nominated children can have a dignified funeral when they pass on from this world up to R30 000.
  • All children nominated in the Payment Receipt Booklet, under 25 years old, will remain covered if the Policyholder dies.
  • Terms and conditions apply.
Who is Covered? Benefit Amount Remember
Main Member R30 000
  • Monthly Contribution receipts must be shown in your Payment Receipt Book in the correct month of purchase.

  • Keep your payments up to date to make sure you and your dependants are covered.

  • Certain Church branches have been supplied with Kganya funeral trailers and tents. The congregation of that Church branch can use them for free. Any Member who needs to use them, must ask at their local Church branch.
Dependants 14 - 25 Years R30 000
Dependants 6 - 13 Years R14 500
Dependants 1 - 5 Years R10 500
Dependants 0 - 11 Months R5 800
Dependants Stillbirths R3 800


  • As part of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, a member will also get a personal accident and dread disease policy underwritten by Sanlam.
  • The personal accident and dread disease policy provides personal accident benefits for a member as policyholder and their nominated dependants where such persons become permanently disabled.
  • Permanent Disability means:
    • the disability was caused by an accident.
    • the disability will be there for the rest of the person’s life and there is little or no chance of it healing.
    • the accident was not expected by the person.
    • you must be able to see the disability.
    • the disability must be permanent.
  • Terms and conditions apply.
Cover for Permanent Disability Member 14 - 24 Years 6 - 13 Years 1 - 5 Years 0 - 1 Year
Permanent loss of movement to both arms and legs (quadriplegic) R30 000 R30 000 R14 500 R10 500 R5 800
The loss of 2 or more limbs at or above the wrist or ankle R30 000 R30 000 R14 500 R10 500 R5 800
Permanent and total loss of speech R30 000 R30 000 R14 500 R10 500 R5 800
Permanent loss of hearing in both ears R30 000 R30 000 R14 500 R10 500 R5 800
Permanent and total loss of hearing in 1 ear R15 000 R15 000 R7 200 R5 250 R2 900
Some loss of hearing in 1 ear (50%) R7 500 R7 500 R3 600 R2 600 R1 400
Permanent blindness in both eyes R30 000 R30 000 R14 500 R10 500 R5 800
Permanent blindness in 1 eye R15 000 R15 000 R7 200 R5 250 R2 900
Some loss of sight in 1 eye (50%) R7 500 R7 500 R3 600 R2 625 R1 450
Loss or unable to use a limb at or above the wrist or ankle R30 000 R30 000 R14 500 R10 500 R5 800
Complete loss of 4 fingers on 1 hand R21 000 R21 000 R10 150 R7 350 R4 060
Complete loss of 3 fingers on 1 hand R12 000 R12 000 R5 800 R4 200 R2 320
Complete loss of 2 fingers on 1 hand R7 500 R7 500 R3 625 R2 625 R1 450
Complete loss of thumb R9 000 R9 000 R4 350 R3 150 R1 740
Partial loss of thumb R4 500 R4 500 R2 175 R1 575 R870
Complete loss of 4 toes on 1 foot R9 000 R9 000 R4 350 R3 150 R1 740
Complete loss of 1 toe R1 500 R1 500 R725 R525 R290


  • As part of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, a member will also get a personal accident and dread disease policy underwritten by Sanlam.
  • The personal accident and dread disease policy provides dread disease benefits when the member as policyholder suffers a dread disease.
  • A waiting period of 91 days apply.
  • A Dread Disease, subject to certain exclusions, is one of the diseases listed in the table below.
  • These diseases must be diagnosed by a Medical Specialist.
  • Terms and conditions apply.
Which Diseases Are Covered? What does this mean? Benefit Amount
Heart Attack This is when a part of the heart muscle dies because of too little blood supply to the heart. R30 000
Stroke This is when blood vessels are blocked or burst in the brain causing too little oxygen to get to certain parts of the brain. The damage from the stroke must last for more than 3 months. R30 000
Cancer This is when the person has a malignant tumour. These include lymphoma and sarcoma. R30 000
Coronary Artery (Bypass) Surgery This is when the person has heart surgery to fix a narrowing or blockage of 2 or more heart arteries. R30 000
Total Kidney Failure This is when both kidneys stop working. The disease is long-term and cannot be fixed. R30 000
Major Organ Transplant This is when a person receives a donor heart, liver, pancreas, bone marrow, kidney or lungs. R30 000
Blindess This is when a person has become permanently blind in both eyes because of a sickness or disease. R30 000
Coma This is when a person is unconscious because of a sickness and does not respond for at least 96 hours while on life support machines and there is permanent brain damage. R30 000
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) When a person has symptoms of demyelination (when the thin cover over the nerves is damaged) and their movements and senses like hearing, touch and seeing are affected. An MRI scan is used to help diagnose this disease. Symptoms must last longer than 6 months. R30 000

This benefit includes the payment of monthly electronic grocery vouchers for a period of 6 months upon the following incident:

  • death of a member or dependant (effective 1 April 2024)
  • contracting of a dread disease of a member
  • disability (personal accident) of a member or dependant (effective 1 April 2024) *

*Only payable if the highest claim value in terms of the personal accident is approved.

The Kganya Matshediso Benefit has two components:

  1. core benefit – if a funeral, personal accident, or dread disease claim is approved to the highest applicable claim value or more, the member or beneficiary will receive monthly electronic grocery vouchers to the value of R360 for 6 months.
  2. loyalty benefit – over and above the core benefit, this benefit further rewards claimants for varying degrees of loyalty. The loyalty benefit will depend on the member’s contribution payment history prior to the date of the incident and an additional amount of between R120 and R600 may also be paid each month for 6 months in the form of electronic grocery vouchers.

Lastly – depending on the preference of the member or beneficiary, these grocery vouchers may be redeemed at either Shoprite Checkers or Pick n Pay stores located nationwide.

Terms and conditions apply.

Month following Approval of Burial, Dread Disease or Personal Accident Benefit Basic Benefit Loyal Member 12 Contributions* Loyal Member 24 Contributions* Loyal Member 36 Contributions* Loyal Member 48 Contributions* Loyal Member 60 Contributions*
Month 1 R360 R120 R240 R360 R480 R600
Month 2 R360 R120 R240 R360 R480 R600
Month 3 R360 R120 R240 R360 R480 R600
Month 4 R360 R120 R240 R360 R480 R600
Month 5 R360 R120 R240 R360 R480 R600
Month 6 R360 R120 R240 R360 R480 R600
Total Benefits** R2 160 R720 R1 440 R2 160 R2 880 R3 600

* Where “Loyal Members” are those with no less than the stated number of consecutive monthly membership contributions required prior to the date of
incident in order to be eligible for the corresponding monthly basic needs benefit payout.
**All basic needs benefits are paid in the form of monthly grocery vouchers sent via SMS to the member or beneficiary.

As a member of KBFT, you can gain access to the following valuable non-insurance benefits: 

  • Funerary Management Services; 
  • Leeto la Moria Services; and
  • Roadside Assistance Benefits.

To assist members  and their dependants, KBFT has negotiated a Funerary Management Service with a service provider appointed by KBFT. 


  • The transfer of the deceased to a funeral home in South Africa (selected by the Member or beneficiary) closest to the place of burial, provided that the distance between the collection of the remains and the destination of such remains is greater than 100km (routes to be negotiated between the Policyholder or beneficiary and the Service Provider);
  • Assistance in obtaining documentation.
  • ZCC, via KBFT, introduced a programme whereby qualifying Members who want to travel to attend Moria Conferences (Easter, September, and December) are given a 50% discount on bus fare.
  • Bus tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • To assist members, KBFT has negotiated Roadside Assistance Benefits with a service provider appointed by KBFT.
  • Roadside Assistance helps members travelling to Moria in their own car in the event of a roadside emergency (such as a flat tyre, keys locked in the car, fuel assistance etc).
  • This service is available during conference weekends from a week before the conference weekend until a week after the conference weekend.
  • Roadside Assistance is free subject to limits.
  • Terms and conditions apply.


  • Tow-in Service:
    • Towing your car to the nearest approved dealership (if the vehicle is under warranty) or to a repair centre or panel beater.
    • This service is for mechanical or electrical breakdown and accident damage.
    • A maximum amount of R3 000 (incl. VAT) per breakdown.
  • Roadside Emergency Service:
    • Flat battery (jump start).
    • Flat tyre (help with changing the tyre).
    • Keys locked in the vehicle (unlocking only).
    • Fuel Assistance (5L per breakdown).
    • Minor repairs at the roadside (for example, electrical, oil, immobiliser).
    • Sending urgent messages.
    • A maximum amount of R2 000 (incl. VAT) per breakdown

If a member requires Roadside Assistance during their journey to or back home from Moria for any of the 3 conferences each year, they may call the Kganya Helpline on 0800 000 538.


  • You must approach a Church Official at your local Church branch and request documents to complete to become a member of KBFT.
  • Upon request, the Church Official will provide you with a brochure which explains all the benefits you will receive as a Member.
  • If you would like to proceed with membership to KBFT, the Committee Member will provide you with a Payment Receipt Booklet against payment of R90,
    plus your initial membership contribution of R120.
  • When you have paid this, you will become a member of KBFT.
  • The Church Official will stick a receipt into your Payment Receipt Booklet in recognition of payment of your first membership contribution.


  • Phone the Kganya Helpline on 0800 000 538 between 08h00 and 16h30 weekdays for any queries.
  • Visit your local Church Branch Committee to get the relevant claim form. The claim form will differ depending on which Benefit is being claimed for. 
  • Visit a Kganya Service Centre or a selection of Sanlam Client Care Offices (you can find the Kganya addresses on the Contact Me page or all addresses in your Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet).
  • Read the Summary Regulations contained in your Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet as well as the requirements stated on the claim form.
  • For Roadside Assistance Services or Funerary Management Services please phone the Kganya Helpline on 0800 000 538.

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