
Kganya Koloi Plus

Kganya Koloi Plus is underwritten by Centriq Insurance Company Limited (“Centriq”)
a licensed non-life insurer and authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 3417)
The Kganya Benefits Fund Trust holds preference shares in a Centriq Insurance Company Ltd Cell Captive

All of the information presented below is provided for information purposes only. Policyholders should read the Policy wording contained in their Policy Book very carefully in order to understand the terms, conditions and exclusions relating to the Policy. In the event of uncertainty, please feel free to phone the Kganya Helpline 0800 000 538.


  • Insurance that covers the motor Vehicle of a ZCC member who is a Policyholder, up to a maximum of R120 000.
  • The Market Value and Sum Insured of the Vehicle are determined at the start of cover and remain the same for as long as monthly Premiums are paid.
  • Only one Vehicle per Policy can be insured.
  • Kganya Koloi Plus also provides accidental death and permanent disability cover to the Policyholder travelling in the insured Vehicle at the time of an accident.
  • The Kganya Koloi Plus Policy is only made available to ZCC members in good standing.
  • The Policy is underwritten by Centriq Insurance Company Limited.
Kganya Koloi Plus is underwritten by Centriq Insurance Company Limited (“Centriq”)
a licensed non-life insurer and authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 3417)
The Kganya Benefits Fund Trust holds preference shares in a Centriq Insurance Company Ltd Cell Captive

With effect 1 April 2024, the monthly Premium payable comprises the following:

  • Centriq Risk Premium: R326.62
  • KIA Commission: R55.62
  • KIA Binder Fee: R44.91
  • No Claim Bonus: R20.83
  • SASRIA: R3.00
  • Monthly Premium: R450.00 (15% VAT included)


For more information regarding payment of your product, please refer to the ‘Kganya Electronic Payments’ section here

What is Covered? Description Maximum Cover
Motor Vehicle Accident If your car is damaged in an accident R120 000
Theft If your car is stolen R120 000
Total Write-Off If your car cannot be repaired R120 000
Injury If you are killed or disabled in an accident R20 000
3rd Party Liability For damage to another car and injury to other vehicle passengers R120 000
Accident Towing For vehicle accidents only R5 000
Breakdown Towing For mechanical and electrical breakdown of the car only R3 000
Windscreen If your car’s windscreen needs to be replaced R5 000
Malicious Damage and Riots Caused by political riots or another person R120 000
Getting Quotes We will pay your expenses to get quotes R500

A No Claim Bonus of R500 is included in the Policy. This is our reward to you for looking after your Vehicle. If you pay your Premium every month consecutively for each 24 month period from the time you took out this Policy, and you do not have any claims during each of these 24 month periods, you may claim R500 back. The benefit is not optional and the cost of the benefit is R20.83 per month.


  • Damage to tyres caused when you apply the brakes of the car too hard.
  • Tyre damage caused by potholes.
    Cuts or bursts in tyres except when this happens from an accident causing other damage to your car. Your car getting old or rusting.
  • If the inside of the car is torn or gets wet and rots.
  • If your car has electrical problems (you are covered for towing only).
  • If your car breaks down because of engine failure (you are covered for towing only).
  • If the engine wears out and it has to be repaired or rebuilt.
  • Damage to your car if the car is not roadworthy.
  • If your car has been taken away from you legally by the South African Police or the Traffic Police.
  • The theft of any items fitted to or left inside of your Vehicle.

We will not pay for damage to the car that is NOT from an accident. Please remember that we cannot pay for the maintenance of your car. This Kganya Koloi insurance Policy is for damage resulting from an accident.


  • Every Month: R450 as a Premium.
  • Remember:
    • The car must belong to you and be registered in your name.
    • The registered owner of the car must be the regular driver of the car.
    • All drivers of the Vehicle must have a valid driver’s license.
    • The car must be for PRIVATE use only.
    • You can register one car per Policy and may not have more than two Policies per Policyholder at any time.
    • You must report a theft to the police station within two days.
    • You can only carry a maximum of four passengers in the Vehicle, including children, at any one time.
    • The car must be roadworthy at all times.
    • You must pay every month to be covered.
    • You must pay R450 Premium every month at your local Church Branch.


    • When your Vehicle is damaged in an accident, you will pay an Excess which will be deducted from the amount of your claim. If you claim more than once over the duration of your Policy your Excess will increase. The Excess amounts are as follows:
        • First claim Excess: R3 500
        • Second claim Excess: R4 000
        • Third and any further claims Excess: R4 500
    • When the windscreen on your Vehicle is damaged (broken/cracked) you will be covered up to a maximum of R5 000 but you will pay an Excess of R500 if the glass needs to be replaced.
    • When your Vehicle is stolen, you will pay an Excess of R5 000.
Excess You Pay
R3 500 For damage to your car from an accident (first claim)
R5 000 If your car is stolen
No Excess If some 3rd party (another car) has damage or injury
No Excess If you or the passengers in your car die or are injured
R500 If your windscreen glass needs to be replaced
No Excess For towing as a result of mechanical or electrical breakdown


  • The Scrap Value is the value of the wreck of your Vehicle after an accident when the Vehicle is a write-off (cannot be economically repaired). It is also known as the salvage value.
  • We will value the Scrap at 15% of the Sum Insured in all cases and your payment from us will be reduced by that amount. This is in addition to applicable Excesses.


  • Towing costs incurred following an accident will be paid to a maximum of R5 000.


  • Towing costs incurred following mechanical or electrical breakdown will be paid to a maximum of R3 000 per annum.
  • Claim preparation costs and Excesses are not applicable to this item.


  • We will pay you a R500 claims preparation fee for when you get quotations and when you travel to your Church Branch to obtain your claim form (if your claim is accepted).


  • This is the money we may pay if you die in an accident in your Vehicle, of which you were the driver at the time of the accident.
  • The Vehicle accident must have been unanticipated by everyone involved. It should not be intended, expected, or foreseeable.
  • Claims for passengers must be submitted directly to the Road Accident Fund.
Insured Person Maximum Amount Payable
Policyholder R20 000


  • This is the money we may pay you if you are permanently disabled in an accident in your Vehicle, of which you were the driver at the time of the accident.
  • Permanent disability is a visible injury caused by the Vehicle accident that will be there for the rest of the person’s life and there is little or no chance of it healing. If, as an example, you suffer from a broken arm or leg, this will heal in time. This type of injury will not be seen as a permanent disability.
  • The Vehicle accident must have been unanticipated by everyone involved. It should not be intended, expected, or foreseeable.
  • Claims for passengers must be submitted directly to the Road Accident Fund.
Type of Permanent Disability Policyholder
Permanent and total quadriplegia R19 950
Permanent and total paraplegia or the loss of 2 or more limbs at or above the wrist or ankle R19 950
Permanent and total loss of speech R19 950
Permanent and total loss of hearing in both ears R19 950
Permanent and total loss of hearing in 1 ear R9 975
Partial loss of hearing in one ear (50%) R4 655
Permanent and total loss of sight in both eyes R19 950
Permanent and total loss of sight in 1 eye R9 975
Partial loss of sight in one eye (50%) R4 655
Loss or loss of use of limb at or above the wrist or ankle R19 950
Complete loss of 4 fingers on one hand (loss of at least 2 joints) R13 300
Complete loss of 3 fingers on one hand (loss of at least 2 joints) R7 315
Complete loss of 2 fingers on one hand (loss of at least 2 joints) R3 990
Complete loss of thumb (loss of 2 joints) R5 985
Partial loss of thumb (at least 1 joint) R2 926
Complete loss of 4 toes on one foot (loss of at least 2 joints) R5 985
Complete loss of a toe on any foot (at least 1 joint) R1 995


  • In the event that you in your Vehicle are injured as a result of an accident but not permanently disabled, you will be able to claim for certain non-medical expenses.
  • Only non-medical expenses incurred as a result of hospitalisation will be considered. Such expenses may include, as examples, travel costs, administrative costs, subsistence costs and lost wages and must be directly related to the non-permanent injury incurred during the Vehicle accident.
  • Non-medical expense cover is limited to a maximum of R5 000 per incident.
  • Claims for passengers must be submitted directly to the Road Accident Fund.
  • This is not a medical scheme and the cover is not the same as a medical scheme. This Policy benefit is therefore not a substitute for medical scheme membership.


  • You must be in good standing with ZCC before you can join Kganya Koloi Plus.
  • You must then read the Kganya Koloi Plus Summary Terms and Conditions, available at your Church Branch, prior to completing the Policy application form. This will ensure that you have a clear understanding of all covers and limitations applicable to the Policy and will assist you in deciding whether this product is suitable for you.
  • Kganya Koloi Plus application forms are then also obtainable from your Church Branch should you decide to proceed with applying for this Policy.
  • If you are uncertain if your vehicle would meet the required criteria of the Policy you may contact us on 0800 000 538 for validation prior to completing the application form.
  • Kganya Koloi Plus Premiums are paid at your Church Branch every month. Please ensure that you pay your Kganya Koloi Plus Premiums every month to stay protected.

You must contact Kganya on 0800 000 538 for a vehicle valuation and a confirmation of whether your vehicle qualifies for this policy before you complete the Application.


  • Phone Kganya Insurance Administrators (Pty) Ltd (RF) on 0800 000 538 between 8:00am and 4:30pm, Mondays to Fridays, and tell them what happened. The consultant will advise you on how to deal with your claim.
  • It is very important that you take photographs of your damaged vehicle, as soon as possible after the incident and before your Vehicle has been removed from the scene of the accident.
  • You must report any incident involving your Vehicle to the South African Police within 48 hours of it occurring. After you report the accident, please get an Accident Report number from the SAPS station where you reported the incident.
  • Please always get 2 comparative quotes to repair or replace the stolen or damaged Vehicle. We might ask you for more quotations if we find the amounts you are claiming seem too high. The quotations from the repairer must clearly show what caused the damage to the Vehicle you are claiming for, what the damage is and if the Vehicle can be repaired or not.
  • In the case of an accidental death claim, you must obtain a death certificate.
  • In the case of a permanent disability claim, please make sure that the injury that is being claimed for is a permanent disability and not an injury that will eventually heal. Please note that only specified disabilities qualify for cover.
  • Thereafter, please visit your Church Branch Committee and get a claim form. They will help you to complete the document as required.
  • Please ensure that your claim form is then handed over to a Kganya Service Centre Manager at your nearest Kganya Service Centre. Alternatively, you may email your claim directly to claimsps@kganya.co.za for prompt processing.

Welcome to our website! Authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP 7974.