TYB Pukwana ya Kganya Contract Summary & Disclosures

Benefit Applicable terms (summary) Natural Death Accidental Death When will We not pay Upon the Dread Disease event occurring within the Waiting Period of 91 days calculated from the Inception Date. Where You die (whether as a result of the Dread Disease or any case whatsoever) prior to the date on which the claim Claim is submitted. We will only pay 1 (one) Claim per Dread Disease Category regardless of the number of Claims made in respect of the same Dread Disease occurring and/or being diagnosed forming part of the same Dread Disease Category. We will not pay more than 1 (one) claim Claim. There are important exclusions explained in Annexe E.3 to the Contract for each Dread Disease. You must carefully study these. When will Your cover cease The Contract is cancelled; or You cease to be a Member of the Trust; or When You die; On payment of the dread disease benefit in all of the Dread Disease Categories provided for in the Thari ya Baruti Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy; or The Trust fails to pay the Premiums as a result of Your failure, as a Member to pay Your Membership Contribution, subject at all times to the Forgiveness Rules. Who can claim You Documents required DDCN Form signed by three Committee Members and all such documents as set out in the DDCN Form. In the event that the Committee Members are unable or unwilling to sign the DDCN Form, You may approach Us directly with the claim Claim, or lodge a complaint; original or certified copy of the Medical Report; original or certified copy of Your identity document / identity card (copied both sides); confirmation of Membership to the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust, including original and/or certified copy of the Payment Receipt Booklet; confirmation of bank account into which the Dread Disease Benefit must be paid; and any other documents required by Us. Basic Needs Benefit in terms of the Thari ya Baruti Basic Needs Benefit Policy What We will pay Core Basic Needs Benefit Month Core Basic Need Benefit – Voucher value* Month 1 R330 Month 2 R330 Month 3 R330 Month 4 R330 Month 5 R330 Month 6 R330 * The core Basic Needs Benefit of R330 will be paid simultaneously by way of three Vouchers of R110 each. Loyalty Basic Needs Benefit Mont h Core Basic Need Benefit (Voucher value)* Loyalty Basic Need Benefit payable in the event of 12 consecuti ve Premium payments # (Voucher value)** Loyalty Basic Need Benefit payable in the event of 24 consecutiv e Premium payments# (Voucher value)** Loyalty Basic Need Benefit payable in the event of 36 consecuti ve Premium payments # (Voucher value)** Loyalty Basic Need Benefit payable in the event of 48 consecuti ve Premium payments # (Voucher value)** Loyalty Basic Need Benefit payable in the event of 60 consecuti ve Premium payments # (Voucher value)** Month 1 R330 R110 R220 R330 R440 R550 Month 2 R330 R110 R220 R330 R440 R550 Month 3 R330 R110 R220 R330 R440 R550 Month 4 R330 R110 R220 R330 R440 R550 Month 5 R330 R110 R220 R330 R440 R550 Month 6 R330 R110 R220 R330 R440 R550 # Premium payments refer to the Premium payment history under the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy and the Thari ya Baruti Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy (with reference to Your payment of Membership Contributions as contained in the Payment Receipt Booklet). * The core Basic Needs Benefit of R330 will be paid simultaneously by way of three Vouchers of R110 each. ** The loyalty Basic Needs Benefit will be paid simultaneously by way of Vouchers of R110 each. By way of example, the loyalty Basic Needs Benefit of R550 will simultaneously be paid by way of 5 Vouchers of R110 each, in addition to the core Basic Needs Benefit of R330, paid simultaneously by way of 3 Vouchers of R110 each.