Thari ya Baruti Terms & Conditions
40 12.1.3 termination of the Contract is required as a result of any change in the Applicable Laws; 12.1.4 You no longer qualify as a Member of the Trust; or 12.1.5 the Trust and/or We terminate Our relationship with each other, for whatever reason. This is necessary as the Trust is the premium payer and stands in a relationship with Us which is required for purposes of this Contract. 13 Effect of cancellation If the Contract is cancelled, no Benefits will be paid if an Insured Event happens after the date of cancellation. 14 Review of the Contract We may amend the terms of the Contract with notice to You at all times, subject to compliance with the Contract and the Applicable Laws. It is Your obligation to monitor the cover and Benefits and to ensure it is sufficient for your needs. 15 Benefits, Limitations and Exclusions and some important provisions relating to Benefits Note: We may review the Benefits and change the Benefits as set out in the Contract. Benefit Applicable terms (summary) Natural Death Accidental Death Funeral Benefits and Additional Funeral Benefits in terms of the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy What We will pay Assured Life Funeral Benefit Additional Funeral Benefit Total Thari ya Baruti Funeral Benefit Policyholder R27 000 R13 500 R40 500 Dependants and Paid-up Dependants: Between 14 and 24 years (inclusive) R27 000 Not Applicable R27 000 Dependants and Paid-up Dependants: Between 6 and 13 years (inclusive) R13 000 Not Applicable R13 000 Dependants and Paid-up Dependants: Between 1 and 5 years (inclusive) R9 500 Not Applicable R9 500 Dependants and Paid-up Dependants: Between date of birth and 1 years (inclusive) R5 200 Not Applicable R5 200 Stillbirth R3 500 Not Applicable R3 500 • The Funeral Benefit is available to You and all Assured Lives. • The Additional Funeral Benefit is only available to You and not also to Your Dependent Child / Children and/or Paid-up Dependants. • The Trust will pay the Premiums in respect of the Funeral Benefit and the Additional Premium in respect of the Additional Funeral Benefit. When will We pay On the death of an Assured Life due to natural causes, after the expiry of the Waiting Period of 91 days calculated from the Inception Date, if You have, subject to the Forgiveness Rules, paid Your Membership Contributions for 3 (three) consecutive Months preceding the Month in which the death of the Assured Life occurred , whereby the Trust has paid or will pay Your Premiums and Additional Premiums due to Us as required in terms of the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy On the death of an Assured Life because of an Accident provided that: • You have, subject to the Forgiveness Rules, paid Your Membership Contribution i) in the Month preceding the Month in which the death of the Assured Life occurred; or ii) in the Month which the death of the Assured Life occurred, but before the date of the death of the Assured Life, whereby the Trust has paid or will pay Your Premiums and Additional Premiums due to Us as required in terms of the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy. What is the Waiting Period 91 days from the Inception Date. No Waiting Period is applied.
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