Thari ya Baruti Terms & Conditions

38 Annexe D IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR THARI YA BARUTI PUKWANA YA KGANYA CONTRACT SUMMARY OF BENEFITS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS For Your convenience, We provide You with the following summary of the benefits, conditions, exclusions and limitations. This is only a summary, and You must read it together with the Thari ya Baruti Pukwana ya Kganya Contract. If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions of this summary and the Thari ya Baruti Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, then the Thari ya Baruti Pukwana ya Kganya Contract shall prevail. 1. Interpretation 1.1 “ You ” and “ Your ” mean the Policyholder. “ SDM ”, “ We ” and “ Us ” mean Sanlam Developing Markets Limited. 1.2 Note that any capitalised term used in this summary, which is not defined herein, shall bear the meaning as set out in the Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet. 2. How Your Thari ya Baruti Pukwana ya Kganya Contract works 2.1. The Thari ya Baruti Pukwana ya Kganya Contract (“ the Contract ”) is an insurance contract comprising a Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy and a Thari ya Baruti Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy (collectively “ the Policies ”). 2.2. As a church official of the Zion Christian Church (“ Church Officia l”) and a Member of the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust (“ the Trust ”), You have access to the Contract, provided You satisfy the requirements for Membership to the Trust (“ Membership ”), namely you must i) be a member of the ZCC; ii) be 18 years or older; iii) purchase a Membership Book; and iv) pay an initial monthly Membership Contribution to the Trust (“ Membership Contribution ”). 2.3. The Church Officials as Members are entitled, in addition to the Funeral Benefits and the Dread Disease Benefits and Personal Accident Benefits, to the Additional Funeral Benefits and the Additional Personal Accident Benefits, against payment of the Additional Premiums payable by the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust as set out in the Contract. 2.4. As part of Your Membership and upon payment of the Monthly Membership Contribution, the Trust is obliged to and will pay Your Premium and the Additional Premium due in terms of the Policies to Us. Failure to pay Your Membership Contribution to the Trust will result in the Trust not paying the Premiums and/or Additional Premiums in terms of the Policies, which may result in Your Funeral Benefits, Additional Funeral Benefits, Dread Disease Benefits, Personal Accident Benefits and Additional Personal Accident Benefits (“ Benefits ”) being forfeited. 2.5. You may not cancel the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy and the Thari ya Baruti Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy separately as these Policies are offered collectively as part of Membership to the Trust 2.6. Only the Assured Lives listed in the Member’s Personal Particulars Form (“ MPP Form ”) or the Amended Member’s Personal Particulars Form (“ AMPP Form ”) issued by the Trust and Us, and contained in the Payment Receipt Booklet, forming part of the Membership Book issued by the Trust, are covered under the Contract. A newborn Dependent Child or adopted Dependent Child must be indicated in the Payment Receipt Booklet within 6 Months of birth or adoption. 2.7. The nomination of a Beneficiary (see 3.2 below) will automatically be cancelled if the Beneficiary i) dies before or at the same time as You; ii) was not validly appointed; iii) is under the age of 18 or legally disqualified; iv) cannot be identified; v) is indisposed or unreachable; or vi) is considered unsuitable by Your local South African church registered with the ZCC (“ Church Branch ”) or the Trust. In this case, the Benefits will be payable to the person recommended by Your Church Branch and/or the Trust, and finally determined by Us after considering all such information as We may deem necessary for purposes of such payment. 2.8. If it is found that You have committed, or attempted to commit fraud, submitted or attempted to submit a fictional Claim, made a misrepresentation or if You failed to disclose any information which materially affects Our risks under the Contract or Our ability to assess the risk under the Contract, We may cancel the Contract, repudiate a Claim for Benefits or declare all Premiums and/or Additional Premiums paid as forfeited with immediate effect. 2.9. We consider the following information to be material to the assessment of the risk: 2.9.1 Whether or not You are 18 years or older at the Inception Date. 2.9.2 Whether or not You comply with the requirements for Membership to the Trust. 2.9.3 Confirmation of a previous policy (see clause 9 below). 3. Please note the following rules around which lives are covered under the Contract 3.1 “ Assured Lives ” means, i) for purposes of the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy, You, and Your Dependent Children indicated on Your Payment Receipt Booklet (and includes any Paid-up Dependants) and Stillbirths; ii) for purposes of the Thari ya Baruti Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy, in respect of a) the Dread Disease Benefits, it means You; and b) in respect of the Personal Accident Benefits and the Additional Personal Accident Benefits, it means You, and Your Dependent Children indicated in the Payment Receipt Booklet (but excludes Paid-up Dependants). 3.2 “ Beneficiary ” means, i) for purposes of the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy, You and the person(s) nominated by You in the MPP Form and/ or the AMPP Form, to receive the Funeral Benefit and the Additional Funeral Benefit; and ii) for purposes of the Thari ya Baruti Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy, You, in respect of each of the Dread Disease Benefits, the Personal Accident Benefits and the Additional Personal Accident Benefits. 3.3 “ Dependent Child(ren) ” This is Your child indicated in your Payment Receipt Booklet. In order to qualify as a Dependent Child in terms of the Contract, such a child must: 3.3.1 be a biological child, legally adopted child or a child adopted by custom provided that the natural parents are deceased, which child is below the age of 25 years of age. 3.3.2 Dependent Children who are 25 years and older who are permanently dependent on You because of mental and/or physical disability, will qualify as Dependent Children if i) the disability occurred and ii) one premium was paid, before age 25. 3.3.3 The following children do not qualify as Dependent Children: a child who survives You and who does not qualify as a Paid-up Dependant; a child of a Dependent Child; or a child who is older than 25 years, if such child is not physically or mentally disabled and reliant on You. 3.3.4 As a father, Your child shall not be a Dependent Child unless the natural mother is deceased or not a Member of the ZCC, or You are the legal guardian of such a child. 3.4 “ Paid-up Dependant ” This means Your Dependent Child / Children at the date of Your Death, as set out in the Payment Receipt Booklet at the date of Your death. If a Dependant Child qualifies as a Paid-up Dependant, the Paid-up Dependant will remain covered in terms of the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy without the need for any further Premiums being paid. If the Dependent Child no longer qualifies as a Dependent Child, the Dependent Child will also cease to be a Paid-up Dependant. Any Benefits payable in terms of the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy on the death of a Paid-up Dependant, will be paid to the Beneficiary (who will then become the Policyholder upon Your death, subject to the conditions as set out in the Contract). 3.5 “ Stillbirth ” means the death of a foetus 28 weeks or longer after conception, immediately prior to or during delivery. 4 Inception Date 4.1 In terms of this Contract, insurance cover in respect of the Assured Lives commences on the later of the date on which You i) completed the MPP Form and purchased a Membership Book from the Trust; or ii) paid the initial Membership Contribution to the Trust, and on which date You accept the offer for insurance cover and Benefits in terms of the Contract (“ Inception Date ”). We waive the requirement to receive notification of acceptance of the offer. 4.2 If You are a member of the Trust before 1 January 2023 (“ an Existing Member ”), please refer to the section Information for Members who were members of the Trust before 1 January 2023 for details about Your Inception Date.