Thari ya Baruti Terms & Conditions

29 Availability of Leeto la Moria Receipts and Tickets at Discounted Prices The number of Tickets available per Event at the Discounted Price will be limited and will be sold by Churches on behalf of the Service Provider, on a first-come, first-served basis. The Trust will not be liable in the event that a Member in Good Standing is not able to buy a Ticket at a Discounted Price due to the fact that no further Tickets are available. The Leeto la Moria (Discounted Transport) Benefits are available only for Members and not also for their dependent children. Member in Good Standing for purposes of the Leeto la Moria (Discounted Transport) Benefits A Member in Good Standing, for purposes of the Leeto la Moria (Discounted Transport) Benefits, means a Member who has paid a Membership Contribution in each of the 12 (twelve) Months prior to the Month in which he wishes to buy a Leeto la Moria Receipt. Leeto la Moria Receipts will only be made available to Members who produce their Payment Receipt Booklets reflecting that they are Members in Good Standing. Tickets at Discounted Prices will be made available to Members in Good Standing who have purchased Leeto la Moria Receipts during the same calendar year in which the Event to which the Ticket relates. It is agreed that the Trust’s liability for the Leeto la Moria (Discounted Transport) Benefits shall be limited to paying the difference between the Discounted Price and the List Price to the ZCC as set out in Annexe B.3 . The Trust shall in no manner be involved in respect of the services rendered by the Service Provider, neither shall the Trust be liable for such services. The contractual relationship for the services rendered pursuant to the purchase of a Ticket, shall at all times be between the Member in Good Standing and the Service Provider. 6.3.4 Funerary Management Benefits Definitions For purposes of the Funerary Management Benefits, the following words and phrases shall bear the following meanings: “ Date of Death ” means the date of death of a Qualifying Person; “ Dependent Child ” means, in relation to a Member in Good Standing, dependent child or children of the Member in Good Standing that meets the requirements set out in regulation; “ Member in Good Standing ” means a Member who meets the requirements as set out in regulation; “ Qualifying Person ” means - a Member in Good Standing, or a Dependent Child who predeceases a Member in Good Standing; “ Service Provider ” means any service provider appointed by the Trust from time to time; “ Service Receiver ” means - a Member in Good Standing in respect of a Dependent Child who predeceases a Member in Good Standing; or any other person in respect of the Member in Good Standing; “ Stillbirth ” means the death of a foetus twenty-eight weeks or longer after conception or immediately prior to or during delivery; and “ Territory ” means the Republic of South Africa. Funerary Management Benefits The Trust may from time to time procure the Funerary Management Benefits from the Service Provider for all Members in Good Standing on the death of a Qualifying Person The Funerary Management Benefits entitle all Members in Good Standing to the benefits as set out in Annexe B.4 as amended from time to time by the Trust. Any costs over and above the limits stipulated in Annexe B.4 will be for the cost of the relevant Service Receiver. It is agreed that the Trust’s liability for the Funerary Management Benefits shall be limited to procuring the services from the Service Provider as set out in Annexe B.4 . The Trust shall in no manner be involved in respect of the services rendered by the Service Provider, neither shall the Trust be liable for such services. The contractual relationship for the services rendered, shall at all times be between the Service Receiver and the Service Provider. Member in Good Standing for purposes of the Funerary Management Benefits The Trust shall only provide the Funerary Management Benefits set out in regulation above in respect of the death of a Qualifying Person if the Church Official who is the relevant Member, is a Member in Good Standing by virtue of – payment of a Membership Contribution with a Date of Payment in the Month preceding the Month in which the Date of Death occurred; or payment of a Membership Contribution with a Date of Payment in the Month in which the Date of Death occurred, provided that the Date of Payment is prior to the Date of Death. Dependent Child / Children The following persons shall qualify as a “ Dependent Child ” in relation to a Member in Good Standing for purposes of the Funerary Management Benefits: a child born to the Member in Good Standing; a legally adopted child of the Member in Good Standing; and