Thari ya Baruti Pukwana ya Kganya Contract

86 DREAD DISEASE CATEGORIES EXCLUSION 7. Blindness Dread Disease description The total, permanent and irreversible loss of sight in both eyes as a result of sickness or disease. Vision measured at 3/60 or worse in the better eye using a Snellen eye chart. No further exclusions apply. 8. Coma Dread Disease description A state of unconsciousness as a result of sickness with no reaction to external stimuli or internal needs persisting continuously for a period of at least 96 (ninety six) hours with the use of life support systems, resulting in permanent neurological deficit. The following are excluded: A coma secondary to alcohol or drug misuse is not covered. 9. Multiple sclerosis Dread Disease description The unequivocal diagnosis thereof by a Medical Practitioner (preferably by a neurologist). The disease has to be evidenced by typical clinical symptoms of demyelination and impairment of motor and sensory functions as well as by typical MRI findings. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. This damage disrupts the ability of parts of the nervous system to communicate, resulting in a range of signs and symptoms, including physical, mental and sometimes psychiatric problems. For proving the diagnosis, the member must: either exhibit neurological abnormalities that have