Thari ya Baruti Pukwana ya Kganya Contract

24 amendments and/or endorsements thereto; 6.1.64 " Percentage of Base Amount " means the percentage of Base Amount set out in Table B of Annexe E.4 ; 6.1.65 " Permanent Disability " means a permanent disability as specified in Annexe E.4 incurred at the time of, and as a direct result of an Accident, which will in all probability continue for the remainder of the life of an Assured Life, and " Permanently Disabled " will have a corresponding meaning; 6.1.66 " Permanent Disability Category " means the Permanent Disability categories as specified in Annexe E.4; 6.1.67 " Personal Accident Benefits " means the personal accident benefits payable in terms of the Thari ya Baruti Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy upon the Assured Life becoming Permanently Disabled, as set out in Annexe E.4 ; 6.1.68 " Policyholder " means the Member who enters into this Thari ya Baruti Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, including his successor in title as contemplated in clause 6.5 of Part II in respect of the Thari ya Baruti Funeral Policy; 6.1.69 " Policy Schedule " means the document(s) provided by the Insurer to the Policyholder containing all disclosures to be made by the Insurer as required in terms of the Applicable Laws;