Summary of Amendments Pukwana ya Kganya April 2023

25 Docu- ments required • BNBCN Form. • The same Claim Documents prescribed in terms of the Funeral Policy and the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy. • You do not have to submit the Claims Document in duplicate and consent to the same documents being used for the Basic Needs Benefit Policy. 11. CHANGE 2: OTHER CHANGES TO VARIOUS DOCUMENTS A. Changes to Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet 1. The Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet is amended, with effect from 1 April 2023, as follows: 1.1 To include a reference to the Basic Needs Benefit Policy as part of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract. 1.2 To amend clause 6.5 under the heading Membership Contributions to make it clear that if you fail to pay your Membership Contribution or any portion thereof, that you may forfeit benefits of Membership to the Trust. No partial payments of Membership Contributions are allowed. 1.3 To include a new clause 6.5A to expressly provide that you are required to pay a full Membership Contribution, and cannot selectively pay for the Basic Benefits, neither can you only pay a portion of your Membership Contribution. This is also clarified in clause 9.1.5 by the inclusion of the word “full Membership Contribution” in the first sentence. The new clause 6.5A reads as follows: 6.5A You must pay the full Membership Contribution every Month. If you cannot afford the full Membership Contribution, or only want some and not all of the benefits of Membership to the Trust (such as insurance cover), then Membership to the Trust is not suitable for you. This is so since Membership to the Trust entitles you to the full package of Basic Benefits which cannot be separated, or selectively paid for. 1.4 To expand the Basic Benefits to include “ payment of basic needs benefits through grocery vouchers on the happening of your death, permanent disability of dread disease” in clause