Summary of Amendments Pukwana ya Kganya April 2023
24 Basic Needs Ben- efit in terms of the Basic Needs Benefit Policy When will We not pay • When a Claim for Funeral Benefits in terms of the Funeral Policy has not been approved. • When a Claim Personal Accident Benefits in terms of the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy has not been approved. • When a Claim for Dread Disease Benefits in terms of the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy has not been approved. This means that the exclusions and limitations in terms of the Funeral Policy and Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy will indirectly affect the payment of the Basic Needs Benefit. Please refer to the exclusions and limitations under the Funeral Policy and the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy. Additionally, the following limitations are applicable: • Shoprite Checkers Vouchers: o Vouchersmaybe redeemedatanyShoprite,Checkers, Checkers Hyper or Usave stores nationwide; o The Vouchers are not redeemable for cash, but may be transferred to another person if so elected by You. o Vouchers can only be redeemed in one transaction and that transaction total must be greater than or equal to the value of the Voucher. o Lost or stolen Vouchers will not be replaced or refunded. o Vouchers are valid for a period of three years from the date of issue. • Pick n Pay Vouchers: o Vouchers may be redeemed at any Pick n Pay store nationwide. o The Vouchers are not redeemable for cash, but may be transferred to another person if so elected by You. o Lost or stolen Vouchers will not be replaced or refunded. o Vouchers are valid for a period of three years from date of issue. When will Your cover cease • The Contract is cancelled; • You cease to be a Member of the Trust; • When You die; or • The Trust fails to pay the Premiums as a result of Your failure, as a Member to pay Your Membership Contribution, subject at all times to the Forgiveness Rules. Who can claim • You in the event of a Permanent Disability or a Dread Disease; or • Your nominated Beneficiary in the event of Your Death. In terms of the Basic Needs Benefit Policy, Your nominated Beneficiary may also nominate a secondary beneficiary to receive the Vouchers if the nominated Beneficiary dies before payment of all 6 Vouchers.
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