Summary of Amendments Pukwana ya Kganya April 2023

20 The Vouchers can be redeemed by the Beneficiary at various retailers as set out in the Basic Needs Benefit Policy. 7. By adding a new clause 4.3 to clause 4 of Part II of the Funeral Policy, dealing with the limitation of the number of funeral claims as required by the law. The new clause 4.3 of Part II provides as follows: 4.3 In terms of the Applicable Laws the aggregate maximum cover and Funeral Benefits that may be provided in respect of a Dependent Child below the age of 14 (fourteen) years of age, are as follows: 4.3.1 A Dependent Child below 6 (six) years of age: R20 000 4.3.2 A Dependent Child over 6 (six) years of age but below 14 (fourteen) years of age: R50 000, which maximum amounts may be amended from time to time in terms of the Applicable Laws. 4.4 As such, insurance cover and the Funeral Benefit in terms of this Funeral Policy in respect of a Dependent Child may not, in aggregate for all funeral benefits provided under similar policies by the Insurer, exceed the statutory maximum amounts indicated in clause 4.3 of this Part II. 4.5 In the event that a Dependent Child is covered under more than one funeral policy with the result that the aggregate funeral benefit payments to be made by the Insurer in respect of a deceased Dependent Child exceeds the statutory maximum amounts indicated in clause 4.3 of this Part II, the Insurer will at all times only honour the Claim of the Policyholder responsible for the costs of the funeral of the deceased Dependent Child, which assessment will be made by the Insurer in its sole discretion. 4.6 The Policyholder shall at all times ensure that a Dependent Child is not covered under more than one Funeral Policy to ensure that a Claim for Funeral Benefits in terms of this Funeral Policy, may be paid. A failure to do so, may result in a Claim being rejected. 4.7 In the event that the Insurer becomes aware that a Dependent Child is covered under more than one Funeral Policy which will result in statutory maximum amounts indicated in clause 4.3 of this Part II being exceeded, the Insurer may, without limitation to its rights in terms of this Funeral Policy, cancel the cover of the Dependent Child to ensure that it remains compliant with the Applicable Laws.