Pukwana ya Kganya Terms & Conditions

6 7. ACTIVATION OF MEMBERSHIP 7.1 To activate your Membership, you should approach a Committee Member of your Church Branch and request the documents to be completed to become a Member of the Trust. 7.2 The Committee Member will provide you with the Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet for consideration. 7.3 Once you have considered the information contained in the Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet, and would like to proceed with Membership to the Trust, the Committee Member will provide you with a Payment Receipt Booklet. 7.4 The Committee Member will indicate the MPP Form contained in the Payment Receipt Booklet for completion by yourself, and take receipt of the Membership Book Purchase Price and your initial Membership Contribution. 7.5 If you are an Existing Member, your Membership will remain in force and you do not have to activate your Membership again as explained in paragraph 3 above. 8. COOLING-OFF 8.1 You are entitled to cancel your Membership to the Trust within a period of 31 (thirty-one) days from the date of payment of the initial Membership Contribution, unless a Benefit has been claimed or paid. 8.2 In such an event, it shall be deemed that you similarly exercised the cooling-off rights in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, whereby cover in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract and Membership to the Trust will come to an end at the same time. 8.3 Notice by you to cancel your Membership as a result of your cooling-off rights, shall be deemed to be notice to the Insurer to cancel the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, and vice versa. 8.4 The Trust shall in such instance repay the initial Membership Contribution and the Membership Book Purchase Price to you and you will not have any claim and/ or entitlement to the Basic Benefits. 8.5 The insurance cover and benefits will, in such event, similarly terminate and be dealt with in the manner prescribed in the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract and you will not have any claim and/or any entitlement to the insurance benefits as provided for in the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract. 9. BASIC BENEFITS 9.1 Introduction 9.1.1 By paying a Membership Contribution and becoming a Member of the Trust, such Membership entitles you to all the Basic Benefits as set out in this Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet, read with the Master Regulations and the Basic Benefits Regulations. The Basic Benefits cannot be selected separately, and form part of the package of Membership benefits offered to you. 9.1.2 The Basic Benefits offered as part of Membership to the Trust, consist, amongst others, of access to certain insurance benefits, as follows: Firstly, access to the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract , being an insurance contract with the Insurer as arranged by the Trust, which provides the following insurance benefits: • funeral benefits; • permanent disability benefits; and • payment of benefits on the happening of a dread disease. In terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, and as a Member of the Trust, you are the policyholder entitled to the rights, obligations and insurance benefits in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract. Secondly, as long as you pay your Membership Contributions to the Trust, the Trust will pay the premiums in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract to the Insurer. However, if you fail to pay the Membership Contributions to the Trust, the Trust will not pay the premiums to the Insurer and your insurance cover and benefits in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract may terminate, be suspended or be impacted. Lastly, your Membership also entitles you to Basic Ancillary Benefits which consist of the following non-insurance benefits and services procured by the Trust: • Roadside Assistance Benefits; • Leeto la Moria (Discounted Transport) Benefits; and • Funerary Management Benefits. 9.1.3 The Trust will also make a donation to ZCC on your behalf. 9.1.4 The Basic Benefits are only available to Members who meet the requirements for Membership to the Trust and who are Members in Good Standing. 9.1.5 The requirements of Good Standing require you to pay your Monthly Membership Contributions timely as explained below for each of the Basic Benefits. The payment of your Membership Contribution must be evidenced by a Receipt inserted in your Payment Receipt Booklet for that Month. 9.1.6 A summary of the Basic Benefits is included below, however this must at all times be considered with the Master Regulations, the Basic Benefits Regulations and the terms and conditions of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract. 9.2 Summary of the Basic Benefits (excluding the Basic Ancillary Benefits) 9.2.1 The Trust has procured access for you as a Member to the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract for the provision of the following valuable insurance benefits : Insurance cover and funeral (burial) benefits in terms of a Funeral Policy; and Insurance cover, dread disease and personal accident benefits in terms of a Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy. 9.2.2 You are the policyholder entitled to all rights in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, which consists of a Funeral Policy and a Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy, being two separate policies included in a single contract, namely the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract. 9.2.3 A summary of the most important terms and conditions applicable to the Funeral Policy and the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy included in the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract are attached as Annexe D . 9.2.4 Since the Trust has procured access to the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract for all Members as part of the Basic Benefits, a copy of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract is included in this Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet as Annexe E for the sake of convenience. 9.2.5 Changes to any terms and conditions as set out in the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract will be made available to you. 9.2.6 The Trust shall be responsible for payment of the Monthly premiums due in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract for all Members who have paid their Monthly Membership Contributions. If you do not pay your Monthly Membership Contribution to the Trust, the Trust shall not pay the premiums due in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract to the Insurer and you may lose your insurance benefits. 9.3 Summary of the Basic Ancillary Benefits The Trust has procured access for you as a Member to the following Basic Ancillary Benefits, a summary of which is set out below.