Pukwana ya Kganya Terms & Conditions

5 5.1.1 All terms and conditions in any Existing Membership Book are repealed and replaced with the terms and conditions contained in this Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet with effect from the Effective Date. 5.1.2 Your Existing Membership Book will: continue to remain in force in respect of - • the details contained in the MPP Form and/or the AMPP Form, completed before or after the Effective Date; • the details of any Leeto la Moria Receipts procured prior to, or after, the Effective Date; and • the details of any Dependent Children (as defined in the Basic Benefits Regulations) as recorded in the Existing Membership Book, either before or after the Effective Date. continue to be used for purposes of Receipts issued prior to, and after, the Effective Date pursuant to payment of Membership Contributions, and will therefore become and be treated as your Payment Receipt Booklet. 5.1.3 This means, with effect from the Effective Date, that: all terms and conditions in an Existing Membership Book will be replaced with the terms and conditions in this Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet; and an Existing Membership Book will continue to be used as a Payment Receipt Booklet until such time when a continuation Payment Receipt Booklet or a replacement Payment Receipt Booklet is required and acquired by you. 5.2 As an Existing Member, you will not be required to pay for the Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet and will receive this free of charge by virtue of Membership to the Trust as at the Effective Date. 5.3 However, if you lose your Existing Membership Book or if your Existing Membership Book is full (it being understood that your Existing Membership Book will constitute a Payment Receipt Booklet with effect from the Effective Date), you will be required to purchase a replacement Payment Receipt Booklet or a continuation Payment Receipt Booklet against payment of the Membership Book Purchase Price. 6. MEMBERSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS 6.1 As a Member you must at all times pay a Membership Contribution each Month to the Trust. 6.2 The Trust shall determine the Membership Contribution payable from time to time in respect of the Basic Benefits. 6.3 The Membership Contribution is due and payable on the first day of each Month but you are entitled to pay it at any time during the Month, but before the last day of the Month. 6.4 Payment of the Membership Contribution entitles you as a Member to the Basic Benefits, subject to the conditions as set out in the Basic Benefits Regulations, read with the Master Regulations. 6.5 If you fail to pay a Membership Contribution(s), you may forfeit the benefits of Membership to the Trust. This normally leads to loss of valuable benefits and should be avoided where possible. 6.6 Membership Contributions must be paid in accordance with the Payment Method as may be prescribed by the Trust from time to time. To the extent that the Payment Method of a Membership Contribution is cash, the Membership Contribution shall be paid to and received by a Pay Point, against the issue of a Receipt to be affixed in a Payment Receipt Booklet. 6.7 Your Membership Contributions are applied by the Trust, amongst others, to: • Pay the premiums to the Insurer in terms of the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract. • Procure the Basic Ancillary Benefits offered to you. • Fund community upliftment projects. Community projects include the Evelyn Lekganyane Clinic, Basic Skills Education Programme and the Winter Enrichment School, to name a few. • Make a donation to ZCC and in some cases, as directed by ZCC, a portion of this donation may be retained by your local Church Branch to defray certain of its expenses. 6.8 As a Member you must note that: • Payment of the Membership Contributions is a condition of Membership to the Trust. • The payment of Membership Contributions entitles you as a Member to the Basic Benefits, subject to the Master Regulations and the Basic Benefits Regulations. • Membership Contributions are due on the first day of each Month, may be paid any day during the Month but must be paid on or before the last day of such Month . • You will not be in Good Standing for a Month if a Membership Contribution was paid i) after the last day of such Month, or ii) if the Membership Contribution was not paid . • If you do not pay your Membership Contribution in any particular Month you may lose your entitlement to the Basic Benefits. • A Receipt will be provided to you as a Member upon payment of a Membership Contribution. • You must never pay a Membership Contribution unless a Receipt is issued. • As a Member you are responsible for retaining the Receipt as evidence of the payment of the Membership Contribution. • You are not required to, and must never, pay more than the amount specified on the Receipt . You must at all times ensure that the correct amount as specified on the Receipt is paid for that Receipt. • The Receipt must be inserted into the Payment Receipt Booklet in the correct year and Month of payment. • Any detection of misrepresentation or fraud in respect of Receipts may influence entitlement to the Basic Benefits, and may result in a forfeiture of Membership. • You are not allowed to pay more than two Membership Contributions in advance. • In the event that you as a Member die, the Trust shall refund any Membership Contributions paid in advance to the Beneficiary , into the bank account nominated by the Beneficiary. • Membership Contributions paid on or after the date of death or the date of disability, whichever is applicable, are not taken into account for determining Good Standing. • Where a Membership Contribution has been paid, such Membership Contribution shall not be refundable for any reason whatsoever, subject to a cooling-off right of 31 (thirty-one) days from the date of payment of the first Membership Contribution as explained below.