Pukwana ya Kganya Terms & Conditions

4 Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet means this membership terms and conditions booklet issued by the Trust to all Members comprising all terms and conditions of Membership to the Trust. Month means a calendar Month. MPP Form means a Member’s Personal Particulars Form as set out in the Payment Receipt Booklet. The MPP Form is contained and must be completed in Payment Receipt Booklet (in duplicate). Payment Method means the method of payment of a Membership Contribution as prescribed by the Trust from time to time in terms of the Master Regulations. Payment Receipt Booklet means the numbered and bar-coded booklet of the Trust issued to you as a Member, and includes i) all Existing Membership Books; ii) a continuation Payment Receipt Booklet; iii) and a replacement Payment Receipt Booklet. Pay Point means any Church Branch to whom Receipts have been issued by the Trust, to be used by the Pay Point upon receipt of Membership Contributions paid in cash as a Payment Method. Pukwana ya Kganya Contract means the Pukwana ya Kganya Contract made available to all Members (other than church officials who are Members) pursuant to Membership to the Trust. The Pukwana ya Kganya Contract is an insurance contract between you as a Member (in your capacity as policyholder) and the Insurer. The Pukwana ya Kganya Contract consists of the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy and the Funeral Policy. Receipt means a numbered coupon of the Trust which is inserted in a Payment Receipt Booklet by a Pay Point against receipt of a Membership Contribution (where the Membership Contribution is paid in cash), or any such other documentary proof of payment of a Membership Contribution as prescribed by the Trust. Trust means the trustees for the time being of the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust (master’s reference number IT 6797/00). Trust Deed means the trust deed of the Trust as amended from time to time. ZCC means the Zion Christian Church. 1. MASTER REGULATIONS AND BASIC BENEFITS REGULATIONS 1.1 The conditions of Membership to the Trust and the entitlement to benefits are set out in the Master Regulations, read with the Basic Benefits Regulations issued by the Trust in terms of the Trust Deed, as amended from time to time. 1.2 Copies of the Master Regulations and the Basic Benefits Regulations are included in this Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet as Annexe A and Annexe B , respectively. 1.3 Changes to any terms and conditions as set out in the Master Regulations or Basic Benefits Regulations will be incorporated in updated Annexures which will be made available to you from time to time. 1.4 It should be noted that the summary of the Membership terms and conditions contained in the Membership Book must at all times be read with the Master Regulations and the Basic Benefits Regulations. In the event of a conflict between the summary contained in a Membership Book and the Master Regulations or the Basic Benefits Regulations, the provisions of the Master Regulations and/or the Basic Benefits Regulations will prevail to the extent of the conflict. 2. ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP TO THE TRUST FOR ALL PERSONS WHO BECOME MEMBERS OF THE TRUST AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE 2.1 To be a Member of the Trust you must: • be a member of ZCC; • be 18 (eighteen) years of age or older; • purchase a Membership Book; and • pay an initial Membership Contribution to the Trust evidenced by a Receipt in your Payment Receipt Booklet. 2.2 You must also complete an MPP Form to become a Member of the Trust and must submit the completed MPP Form to a Pay Point for inclusion in the Payment Receipt Booklet. 2.3 A person who satisfies the above requirements shall be a Member from the later of the date of issue of the Membership Book, or the date of payment of an initial Membership Contribution. Note that the date of payment is determined as provided for in the Master Regulations. 2.4 A Member shall continue to be a Member for as long as such person remains a member of ZCC. 2.5 Note, in terms of the Trust Deed and the Master Regulations that the Trust may terminate your Membership where you no longer meet the requirements for Membership of the Trust, even if you are still a member of the ZCC. 3. EXISTING MEMBERS 3.1 All Members who were a Member of the Trust at the Effective Date, shall qualify as an Existing Member. 3.2 If you are an Existing Member, you will remain a Member of the Trust provided that you must meet and continue to meet the requirements for Membership to the Trust as set out in paragraph 2 above. 4. MEMBERSHIP BOOKS: HOW THEY WORK 4.1 A Membership Book consists of, amongst others, this Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet and the Payment Receipt Booklet. Existing Membership Books are addressed under paragraph 5 below. 4.2 This Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet includes the terms and conditions applicable to Membership, as well as all information in respect of the Basic Benefits provided and/or procured as part of Membership to the Trust. 4.3 The Payment Receipt Booklet provides for the affixing of Receipts as evidence of payment of your Membership Contributions, and any other receipts issued by the Trust (such as the Leeto la Moria Receipts), conclusion and inclusion of the MPP Form and/or the AMPP Form, respectively and/or other information. 4.4 The Membership Book Purchase Price of new, replacement and continuation Payment Receipt Booklets to be paid by Members will be determined by the Trust from time to time. Notice of such cost will be given through the Church Branches. 5. EXISTING MEMBERSHIP BOOKS TO REMAIN IN CIRCULATION 5.1 To the extent that you were a Member of the Trust before the Effective Date and have previously purchased a Membership Book from the Trust (“ Existing Membership Book ”), it should be noted that: