Pukwana ya Kganya Terms & Conditions

10 DETAILS OF THE TRUST In some instances, the Trust will arrange Benefits from third parties or service providers. In such instance, the Trust acts as an intermediary as contemplated in the CPA. The following details of the Trust are relevant: Name The trustees for the time being of the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust (Master’s reference number: IT 6797/00) Details of the Trust The Trust is a vesting and discretionary trust duly registered in terms of the Trust Property Control Act, 57 of 1988 Business address 328 Rivonia Boulevard Ground Floor - South Wing Rivonia 2128 Contact details Joseph Mashila Mosotho joem@kganya.co.za Description of business The Trust is a vesting trust insofar as all Members, who make payment of their Membership Contributions in accordance with the Master Regulations, become entitled to receive the Basic Benefits in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Basic Benefits Regulations, subject to the terms of the Trust Deed, read with the Master Regulations. The Trust is a discretionary trust insofar as the trustees will, in their discretion, disburse the funds of the Trust for various purposes, such as ZCC projects (for example refurbishment of churches etc.), direct community projects (for example the Evelyn Lekganyane Clinic) or indirect community projects (for example flood relief). Details of any fees payable to the Trust No fees are payable to the Trust other than the Membership Contributions, and the proceeds of the Membership Book Purchase Price and Leeto la Moria Receipts received by it. The Trust may from time to time accept donations from third parties in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed. Other information The Trust is stringently regulated in terms of the Trust Deed. A copy of the Trust Deed can be requested from KIA as per the above contact details.