Pukwana ya Kganya Contract

5 6.1.2 " Accidental Death " means death caused directly by, or arising from, or caused solely, by an Accident independently of other causes; 6.1.3 " AMPP Form " means the Amended Member's Personal Particulars Form, to be completed by a Member when making changes to his/her Membership to the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust. If a Member completes an AMPP Form - the duplicate thereof shall be affixed to the Payment Receipt Booklet; and the AMPP Form shall simultaneously, in accordance with the consent granted in terms of clause 4 of this Part I, be used to amend the information relating to this Pukwana ya Kganya Contract; 6.1.4 " Applicable Laws " means the provisions of the Long-term Insurance Act, the Insurance Act, the Policyholder Protection Rules promulgated in terms of section 62 of the Long-term Insurance Act; the FAIS Act; and any other laws applicable to the regulation of financial services in South Africa; 6.1.5 " Assured Life/Lives " means - for purposes of the Funeral Policy, (i) the Policyholder, (ii) all children of the Policyholder who qualify as