Pukwana ya Kganya Contract

81 Annexe E.4 Personal Accident Benefits 1. The following Personal Accident Benefits are payable in terms of the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy in respect of the Assured Lives: Table A: Permanent Disability and Base Amount Permanent Disability / Permanent Disability Category Base Amount Permanent and total quadriplegia R27 000 Permanent and total paraplegia or total loss of two or more limbs at or above the wrist or ankle R27 000 Permanent and total loss of speech R27 000 Permanent and total loss of hearing in both ears R27 000 Permanent and total loss of hearing in one ear R13 500 Partial loss of hearing in one ear (a loss of at least 50%) R6 750 Permanent and total loss of sight in both eyes R27 000 Permanent and total loss of sight in one eye R13 500 Partial loss of sight in one eye (a loss of at least 50%) R6 750 Loss or loss of use of limb at or above the wrist or ankle R27 000 Complete loss of four fingers on a hand (loss of at least two phalanges) R18 900 Complete loss of three fingers on a hand (loss of at least two phalanges) R10 800 Complete loss of two fingers on a hand (loss of at least two phalanges) R6 750 Complete loss of thumb (loss of both phalanges) or loss of use of thumb R8 100 Partial loss of thumb (at least one phalange) R4 050 Complete loss of four toes on foot (loss of two phalanges on each toe) R8 100 Complete loss of a toe on any foot (at least one phalynx) (for each toe) R1 350