Pukwana ya Kganya Contract
23 6.1.65 " Policy Schedule " means the document(s) provided by the Insurer to the Policyholder containing all disclosures to be made by the Insurer as required in terms of the Applicable Laws; 6.1.66 " Policies " means, collectively, the Funeral Policy and the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy and the Basic Needs Benefit Policy forming part of this Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, and where required, a " Policy " shall mean either the Funeral Policy, the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy or the Basic Needs Benefit Policy as indicated by the context; 6.1.67 " Premiums " means the Monthly premiums payable by the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust to the Insurer in respect of Reconciled Receipts; 6.1.68 " Premium Payment Agreement " means the agreement concluded between the Insurer and the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust, which regulates the manner in which the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust will pay the Premiums due in terms of the Policies for as long as the Policyholder is (i) a Member of the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust; and (ii) has paid his/her Membership Contribution to the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust; 6.1.69 " Pukwana ya Kganya Contract " means this insurance contract, comprising Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
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