Pukwana ya Kganya Contract

19 includes all amendments and/or endorsements thereto; 6.1.49 " Missed Premium(s) " means the non-payment of a Premium(s) by the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust, due to the Policyholder's failure, in his/her capacity as a Member, to make payment of a Membership Contribution(s) to the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust; 6.1.50 " Month " means a calendar month; 6.1.51 " MPP Form " means the Member's Personal Particulars Form, to be completed by a Member for Membership to the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust. When completing an MPP Form - the MPP Form shall be contained and completed in the Payment Receipt Booklet (in duplicate); and the MPP Form shall simultaneously, in accordance with the consent granted in terms of clause 4 of this Part I, be used for purposes of this Pukwana ya Kganya Contract; 6.1.52 " PACN Form " means the claim form to be completed in the event of a Claim for Personal Accident Benefits, supported by the Claim Documents as specified in the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy, in the form and manner as prescribed by the Insurer;