Pukwana ya Kganya Contract
17 6.1.42 " Master Regulations " means the master regulations issued from time to time by the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust in accordance with the provisions of the trust deed of the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust; 6.1.43 " Medical Report " means, for purposes of a Claim for Dread Disease Benefits and Personal Accident Benefits in terms of the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy and the Basic Needs Benefit Policy, the medical report(s) to be completed by a Medical Practitioner, in the form and manner prescribed by the Insurer, supported by clinical, radiological, histological and laboratory evidence acceptable to the Insurer; 6.1.44 " Medical Practitioner " means a duly qualified and suitable medical practitioner, registered as such in terms of the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974; 6.1.45 " Member " means a member of the ZCC who satisfies the requirements for membership to the Kganya Benefits Fund Trust in accordance with the terms of the Master Regulations, read with the Basic Benefits Regulations. In this Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, " Membership " shall have a corresponding meaning. For purposes of this Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, the Member is also the Policyholder;
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