Pukwana ya Kganya Contract

14 6.1.33 " Funeral Benefit " means the funeral benefit payable in terms of the Funeral Policy upon the death of an Assured Life, as set out in Annexe E.2 ; 6.1.34 " Funeral Policy " means the insurance policy concluded between a Member as Policyholder, and the Insurer, in respect of the Funeral Benefit as set out in the Funeral Policy. The Funeral Policy forms part of this Pukwana ya Kganya Contract, and is concluded pursuant to a Member's Membership to the Trust, as provided for in the Master Regulations and the Basic Benefits Regulations; 6.1.35 " Inception Date " means, notwithstanding the Effective Date, the date upon which cover for all Assured Lives in terms of this Pukwana ya Kganya Contract commences, which Inception Date is determined in the manner set out in i) clause 7.2 of this Part I for Members (as Policyholders) other than Existing Members and Basic Needs Existing Members; ii) clause 6 of Part IV in respect of Existing Members (other than Basic Needs Existing Members); and clause 3 of Part V in respect of Basic Needs Existing Members; 6.1.36 " Insurance Act " means the Insurance Act, 18 of 2017;