Pukwana ya Kganya Contract

11 6.1.18 " Date of Payment " means the date of payment of a Membership Contribution by a Member, as determined in accordance with the Master Regulations; 6.1.19 " Date of Permanent Disability " means, in respect of the Personal Accident Benefits in terms of the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy and the Basic Needs Benefit Policy, the date of an Accident in which the Assured Life becomes Permanently Disabled; 6.1.20 " DDCN Form " means the claim form to be completed in the event of a Claim for Dread Disease Benefits, supported by the Claim Documents as specified in the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy, in the form and manner as prescribed by the Insurer; 6.1.21 " Dependent Children " means, in relation to the Policyholder, the dependent children of the Policyholder who satisfy the requirements of clause 12 of this Part I; 6.1.22 " Dread Disease " means in respect of the Dread Disease Benefits in terms of the Dread Disease and Personal Accident Policy and the Basic Needs Benefit Policy, the medical occurrence(s) and/or condition(s) contracted, experienced or suffered by the Policyholder as described in Annexe E.3 in terms of the Dread Disease Categories, diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner, as set out in a Medical Report;