Master Regulations

5 1.18 " Enhanced Ancillary Benefits " means all ancillary benefits provided and/or procured by the Trust for the Church Officials who are Members and who qualify for Enhanced Benefits, as set out in the Enhanced Benefits Regulations; 1.19 " Enhanced Benefits " means the membership package available to Church Officials who are Members and who qualify for Enhanced Benefits in terms of the Enhanced Benefits Regulations, and which membership package entitles such Church Officials as Members to the Enhanced Benefits (which includes without limitation the Enhanced Ancillary Benefits) as set out in the Enhanced Benefits Regulations; 1.20 " Enhanced Benefits Regulations " means the Enhanced Benefits Regulations issued by the Trust from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed and these Master Regulations in respect of the Enhanced Benefits; 1.21 " Existing Members " means all Members who were Members of the Trust at any time before the Effective Date; 1.22 " Existing Membership Books " means any existing membership book of the Trust, issued to an Existing Member, in issue as at the Effective Date;