Master Regulations

17 the Trust and/or the Administrator within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of the Membership Book. The MPP Form must be - properly and fully completed; and signed and dated by the Member. 6.4.4 The Trust is empowered, in accordance with the trust deed of the Trust, to terminate the Membership of a Member where such Member no longer meets the requirements for Membership of the Trust, even if such a Member is still a member of the ZCC. 7. Membership Contributions 7.1 Obligation to pay Membership Contributions 7.1.1 A Member shall at all times pay his/her Membership Contribution each Month to the Trust. Payment of the Membership Contribution entitles a Member to the Benefits, subject to such conditions as set out in the Regulations. 7.1.2 Membership Contributions must be paid in accordance with the Payment Method as may be prescribed by the Trust from time to time. 7.1.3 To the extent that the Payment Method of a Membership Contribution is cash, the Membership Contribution shall be paid to and received by a Pay Point, against the issue of a Receipt to be affixed in a Payment Receipt Booklet. 7.2 Determination of Membership Contributions 7.2.1 The Trust shall, in accordance with the Trust Deed, determine the Membership Contribution payable from time to time in respect of the Basic Benefits and the Enhanced Benefits, respectively. 7.2.2 The Trust shall also specify the effective date of any amendments to the Membership Contribution. 7.2.3 The Trust shall give notice of any change to the Membership Contribution by -