Continuous Amendments to the Payment Receipt Booklet

3 Let us work together to spread the message of Christ. Kgotso a e ebe le lena His Grace the Right Reverend Bishop Dr B E Lekganyane IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH As a member of Zion Christian Church, it is common knowledge that we embrace the principle of peace amongst men and women of all nations and creeds. It is worth remembering that a good and dedicated member with the rest of the congregation does not: • Smoke; or • Drink any alcoholic drink, including tribal beers or concoctions. A member of Zion Christian Church should: • attend Church at least once a month even when he or she is away from home; • not attend or send his/her children (natural children, adopted children or wards) to any initiation school; and • ensure that his/her family continues to adhere to all the above and all other Church regulations.