Continuous Amendments to the Master Regulations

27 17. Cooling-Off 17.1 A Member is entitled to cancel his/her Membership to the Trust within a period of 31 (thirty-one) days from the Date of Payment of the initial Membership Contribution, unless a Benefit has been claimed or paid. 17.2 If a Member elects to cancel his/her Membership to the Trust as contemplated in regulation 17.1, it shall be deemed that the Member similarly exercised his/her cooling-off rights in terms of the Insurance Contract. The insurance cover and benefits will, in such event, be dealt with in the manner prescribed in the Insurance Contracts. 17.3 Notice by the Member to cancel his/her Membership in terms of regulation 17.1, shall be deemed to be notice to the Insurer in terms of the Insurance Contracts, and vice versa , whereby cover and benefits in terms of the Insurance Contract and Membership to the Trust will come to an end at the same time. 17.4 The Trust shall in such instance repay the initial Membership Contribution and the Membership Book Purchase Price to the Member and such former Member shall not have – 17.4.1 any Claim and/or entitlement to the Benefits in terms of the Trust Deed, these Master Regulations and/or the Regulations; and 17.4.2 any claim or entitlement to the insurance cover and benefits in terms of the Insurance Contracts. 18. General provisions applicable to the Master Regulations and all other Regulations 18.1 Interpretation 18.1.1 Unless the context requires otherwise - words imparting one gender shall include any other gender; the singular shall include the plural and vice versa ; a reference to a natural person shall include created entities (incorporated or unincorporated) and vice versa .