Continuous Amendments to the Master Regulations

25 15. Issue, amendment and termination of the Regulations 15.1 Issue of Regulations 15.1.1 The Trust shall issue the Regulations inter alia setting out - the Basic Benefits in terms of the Basic Benefits Regulations; the Enhanced Benefits in terms of the Enhanced Benefits Regulations; and such other matters as may be determined by the Trust in accordance with the Trust Deed. 15.1.2 The Regulations specified in Annexe A.5 , shall be the Regulations of the Trust, and identified by the name specified in Annexe A.5 . 15.1.3 The title and commencement date of the Regulations issued in accordance with Annexe A.5 (and as more fully described in regulation 2.3) and such amended annexures or schedule shall, on signature by the Trust, form part of these Master Regulations in substitution for any previous Annexe A.5 . 15.2 Amendment of the Master Regulations and/or the Regulations 15.2.1 The Master Regulations, the Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet, the Payment Receipt Booklet 2 and the Regulations may be amended by the Trust in writing at any time in accordance with the Trust Deed, and such amendments shall be incorporated into the Master Regulations, the Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet, the Payment Receipt Booklet and any of the Regulations as applicable, with effect from the date specified in such amendment or in the absence of such date, the date of signature thereof by the Trust. 15.2.2 The Trust shall give notice of the amendment of the Master Regulations, the Membership Terms and Conditions Booklet, the Payment Receipt Booklet 3 and/or Regulations through the Pay Points or through such electronic means 2 Amended with effect from 1 April 2023. 3 Amended with effect from 1 April 2023.