Continuous Amendments to the Master Regulations

21 7.5.3 For purposes of determining a Member's entitlement to Benefits - a Membership Contribution shall only have a Date of Payment in a particular Month if the Date of Payment is on or before the last day of such Month; Membership Contributions paid on or after the happening of the insured event as provided for in the Insurance Contracts shall be excluded. 7.5.4 The Receipt Counterfoils and the copy of the bank deposit slip shall serve as prima facie evidence to be used by the Trust to determine the Date of Payment. 7.5.5 Any detection of misrepresentation of Receipts may influence a Member's entitlement to the Benefits. 8. The Benefits 8.1 Members who – 8.1.1 satisfy the requirements for Membership as set out in these Master Regulations; 8.1.2 have paid their Membership Contributions, subject at all times to the provisions of regulation 7.4.4 above; and 8.1.3 satisfy the requirements of the Regulations, are entitled to the Benefits as vested beneficiaries of the Trust. 8.2 All Members who meet the above requirements shall qualify for the Basic Benefits as set out in the Basic Benefits Regulations. 8.3 Only Church Officials as Members shall qualify for the Enhanced Benefits as set out in the Enhanced Benefits Regulations.