Continuous Amendments to Thari Ya Baruti Membership Terms and Conditions

11 Regulations and/or the Enhanced Benefits Regulations will prevail to the extent of the conflict. 2. ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP TO THE TRUST FOR ALL PERSONS WHO BECOME MEMBERS OF THE TRUST AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE 2.1 To be a Member of the Trust you must: • be a member of ZCC; • be 18 (eighteen) years of age or older; • purchase a Membership Book; and • pay an initial Membership Contribution to the Trust evidenced by a Receipt in your Payment Receipt Booklet. 2.2 You must also complete an MPP Form to become a Member of the Trust and must submit the completed MPP Form to a Pay Point for inclusion in the Payment Receipt Booklet. 2.3 A person who satisfies the above requirements shall be a Member from the later of the date of issue of the Membership Book, or the date of payment of an initial Membership Contribution. Note that the date of payment is determined as provided for in the Master Regulations. 2.4 A Member shall continue to be a Member for as long as such person remains a member of ZCC. 2.5 Note, in terms of the Trust Deed and the Master Regulations that the Trust may terminate your Membership where you no longer meet the requirements for Membership of the Trust, even if you are still a member of the ZCC. 3. EXISTING MEMBERS 3.1 All Members who were a Member of the Trust at the Effective Date, shall qualify as an Existing Member. 3.2 If you are an Existing Member, you will remain a Member of the Trust provided that you must meet and continue to meet the requirements for Membership to the Trust as set out in paragrap h 2 above.